1. Late comer will not be allowed to enter the school.
  2. Students are not allowed to come to school by motorcycle.
  3. Student without proper uniform will not be permitted to attend the class.
  4. No mobile phone is allowed in the school. If a student is found with mobile phone in school campus or in the school van then the mobile phone will be ceased and strict disciplinary action will be taken. Such these students may be dismissed from the school or a fine of Rs.500/- will be charge (refundable). Mobile phone/fine amount will be returned to student/parents at the end of season.
  5. School will not be responsible for the last of bicycle. 
  6. Parents are requested to provide lunch box to their children.. Delivery of lunch box during school hours by parents are there representatives will not be permitted.
  7.  All the students requested to maintain 75% of attendance in order to appear in examination.